Buccaneers > Dutch Buccaneers > Bartholomeus de Jager
Bartholomeus de Jager
Bartholomeus de Jager was a Dutch buccaneer in the West Indies during the 1650's. In 1655 he was known to have captured and plunder sugar form the Portuguese ship Consciencia. Later in October of the same year he met up with fellow buccaneer Cornelis Janszoon van de Velde in Antillen.
The two buccaneers went on to engage two more Portuguese ships near Fernando de Noronha where they captured one and one managed to flee away. Part of the stolen sugar from the previous raids was loaded onto the newly captured Portugese vessel while another part was loaded onto the Lampsin brothers ship The Salamander.
After this short buccaneering adventure de Jager set course back for the Netherlands to sell his part of the sugar. It is likely he retired after this point as nothing more is heard from him in the historical record.