Buccaneers > Dutch Buccaneers > Jacob Janssen van den Bergh
Jacob Janssen van den Bergh
Jacob Janssen van den Bergh, also known by his nickname 'Japon' was a Dutch buccaneer who originally was part of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC) until he was found to be smuggling slaves where the WIC had the sole right to do so. After this he became captain of the Kater and later the St. Pieter where he transported slaves to Curacao and other ports in the West Indies. By the 1660s he was a privateer on the Sinjoor and later one of the survivors of the Zeelandia that sunk in the West Indies.
The last thing known about him is that he continued trading slaves and applied for a captain position with the WIC aboard the Middleburg. He is likely unsuccessful as nothing more is known about him after this point.